Free two hour on-site Consultation - Call 225-753-0297 & mention code number AK-0034 and receive a free office visit Consultation. [Only 3 remaining!] Limited to first-time customers only.

24 Months without a VIRUS . . .
  Learn how this customer has managed to escape the threat of both viruses and spyware for over two years now!

PC Fixed before user saw problem!
  Managed Services customer never knew that their PC was on the brink of failure! But advanced warning and preventive measures taken by Louisiana Data Systems ensured that no data was lost with only normal maintenance downtime!

Network runs FASTER.
  Through the monthly Managed Services reporting a critical bottleneck was identified in the network that slowed everyone's internet connection to a crawl. Corrective measures were implemented swiftly resolving the problem before the customer started the business day preventing a work slowdown.

Top 10  Problems!
• Can't Share Files
• Computer runs SSLOOOW!
• Takes too long to fix PCs
• Can't Print - Sometimes!
• PC not updated w/Patches.
• Antivirus Program Expired!
• Confidential data exposure.
• Unprotected Wireless.
• Computer Crash.

What are "Managed Network Services"? Simply put - Managed Network Services provides a scheduled review of all of the key elements that affect your office network. Numerous factors like security patches of your operating system and programs, preventive measures like anti-virus and anti-spam protection are evaluated on a scheduled basis.
Based on the scheduled review potential problems are identified and remedied BEFORE they create a problem! Break-Fix means that you wait until the problem becomes so bad that you must have it fixed now. Then you experience both the downtime and the potential loss created by the problem. Managed Services on the other hand, monitors and adjusts your network, hardware and software to prevent downtime and expensive repairs.
How Does Managed Services Work? Your computers are monitored 24/7 by our network operation center. Literally hundreds of critical parameters are checked on a scheduled basis. Alerts are issued to our skilled technicians when a problem is discovered. The technician either resolves the problem remotely or schedules a visit to perform preventive maintenance.
The problem is fixed before you know it and a detailed report is issued describing both the problem and preventive measure taken. You continue working without interruption or downtime!
How is this service priced? You will be pleasantly surprised! Overwhelmingly independent studies show that rather than adding 'cost' - at the end of the year Managed Services actually REDUCES the net business cost of your computer network.

For Sales or Service information,
please email

Sales @ Ladatasystems.com

For General Product information,
please phone or fax your request.

Louisiana Data Systems

Justice Ave.Baton Rouge, LA 708

 Tel:(225) 753-0297
Fax:(225) 751-4852

Copyright 2012, Louisiana Data Systems. All rights reserved.